Sunday, August 31, 2008

33 weeks

Melody seems to be doing fine she is moving heaps.
We went to birthing classes on Wednesday we learnt massage.
I also have had the flu all weekend but I am getting better now.

Week Thirty-Three

* Amniotic fluid is at its highest level during your pregnancy.
* Your baby's head size has increased 3/8ths of an inch due to rapid brain growth.
* Neurons and synapses are developing in huge numbers -- forming connections in your baby's brain will give her the skills she needs to thrive as a newborn. This week, she may be able to coordinate sucking and swallowing with breathing.
* While most of her bones are hardening, her skull is quite pliable and not completely joined. The bones will be able to move slightly to make birthing easier.
* Your baby takes intermittent deep breaths -- of water! That's okay, though since she gets oxygen from the placenta. This breathing exercises muscles and encourages her lung cells to produce more surfactant (a protein essential for healthy lung development).
* If your baby is a boy, his testicles will be descending from his abdomen into his scrotum. Sometimes one or both testicles won't move into position until after birth.
* Your infant is now 17.2 inches (43.7cm) long and weighs 4.23 pounds (1918gm).

Sunday, August 24, 2008

32 weeks

Well what a week!
Had my hospital appointment on Wednesday and because my blood pressure was very high they decided to put me in to observe my blood pressure.
It was fine by the time I got down to the birthing area where they were going to watch me so I spent two hours on my side trying to keep the montior on so they could montior baby.
So Colin and the boys had to go to the birthing class without me!
Usually its the mum there without there support people so it was real change.
I was allowed to join them for the tour so that was interesting things have changed from when I had the boys.
At least this time there is your own personal bathroom unlike at St maragrets when it was down the hall a bit.
In Westmead there were only two toliets and showers on the floor where you gave birth.

On Thursday I saw my normal doctor and my blood pressure was fine (in the morning) I really would not have liked them to have taken my blood pressure that afternoon as my mum wrote her car off and spent the afternoon early evening in hospital.

Melody moves around all the time now really likes to kick her dad in the back when she gets a chance.

Week Thirty-Two
  • Your baby is up to 3.75 pounds (1702gm) now and is 16.7 inches (42.4cm) long.
  • You might notice she's not moving around as much now. Don't worry! She is fine -- just running short on room. She still has plenty of growing to do though, believe it or not!
  • All five senses are working. Your little one is fascinated and practicing testing these out as much as possible!
  • Toenails are completely formed even though she may not be quite ready for a French manicure.
  • Hair on your infant's head continues to grow in. Will he have dad's black hair or your red hair?
  • Brain scans have shown that babies have periods of dream sleep (REM) starting around the eight month. What do you suppose your son is dreaming about?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

31 weeks

Week Thirty-One
  • The rate of physical growth slows down just a bit, but even though she doesn't get much longer, she will gain a lot of weight the rest of the pregnancy.
  • Fat continues accumulating. This layer of fat turns her skin from red to the rosy pink she will have as a newborn.
  • Calcium, phosphorus and iron are being stored and her bones are growing and hardening.
  • Your baby is 16.2 inches (41.1cm) long and weighs 3.3 pounds (1502gm)
  • His brain enters another period of rapid growth, producing hundreds of billions of new nerve cells! Amazing!
  • She may move to the rhythm of music. Studies with heart rates show that she also prefers some types of music to others -- already!
  • Lungs are the only major organ left to complete development. Remember, that while you may be anxious to meet your little one that these last few weeks can be vital - with each day increasing your baby's ability to breathe on her own.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

birthing classes

Today we had our first birthing class.
The boys came with me.
It was interesting.
Next week they take the tour of the birthing ward.

Monday, August 11, 2008

30 weeks

Week Thirty
  • Did you know your baby is nearly three pounds now?
  • her head is getting larger to accommodate a period of rapid brain growth. Don't forget to continue to "teach" your baby in the womb by exposing to music, literature, and simply talking to him.
  • A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds her. As she grows and fills your uterus, the amount of amniotic fluid will decrease. Funny, you certainly won't feel any lighter!
  • She spends more and more time practicing opening and closing eyelids. Her eyes can move from side to side, following a light source. She may even reach out to touch the light.
  • Early lanugo is beginning to disappear that served to protect your baby's skin from the water in the womb. Your little one's own hair may begin to appear.
  • Toenails are entering their final growth stage.
  • Bone marrow is now in charge of red blood cell production. These red blood cells will continue to service your child's body by transporting oxygen and removing the wastes (carbon monoxide and other gases).
  • Your baby has the capability now to produce tears -- yes, within the womb.
  • By the end of this week, your baby is now 15.7 inches (39.9cm) long and weighs 2.91 pounds (1319gm).

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

29 weeks

we had the best ultrasound last week it was at the hospital the tech decribed everything to us.
I had to have this ultrasound as they were worried baby would be small.
Melody was 29 weeks by her leg measurement.
32 weeks head and 31 stomach so she is fine and healthy.
So everything seems to be fine.
Also dicussed the birth plan and had the anti d shot as well.

Week Twenty-Nine
  • Your baby's head is in proportion with body now. She appears more like a newborn each and every day!
  • Fat continues to accumulate under the skin -- only now preparing for entering the *real world*.
  • Your baby's brain can control primitive breathing and body temperatures.
  • Her eyes can move in their sockets. Soon she will be able to follow a blinking light.
  • Your baby is increasingly sensitive to changes in light, sound, taste, and smell! Various studies show that your baby may indicate preferences (or disdain) for particular tastes or odors at this stage
  • She is also moving from side to side, but probably still is head up. In the next few weeks, she will move to the head down birthing position. At times you may feel as if she is performing somersaults for a circus act!
  • Her length is now approximately 15.2 inches (38.6cm) and weight is 2.54 pounds (1153gm)