Sunday, September 28, 2008

week 37

I did end up at the hospital last week on the Tuesday for about three hours and then the next day I was admitted for morning to watch the blood pressure.
Baby is fine as always healthy a good size doing everything right.
I still have no ankles and the top of my feet swell which is the part that hurts more when I walk. My iron levels are low so I have to take iron tablets now.
I am huge now really showing now.
Tummy is very tight and my belly button really hurts. I am just full of fluid.
I still have a slight line down the tummy
Had my shower on the weekend that was nice and we got very spoiled.
I have another appointment this Wednesday and I want to discuss with them about delivering Melody a little early just so Rowan can concerate on his studies and also so she isn't so big.

Week 37

* This week, the average size is about 6.3 pounds (2859gm)(mine is already bigger then that) now and 19.1 inches (48.6cm) length.
* She is official full term now but can still benefit from extra days in the womb.
* Your baby continues to practice breathing movements. Isn't it amazing how she can breathe "under water?"
* Grasp is firm now. It won't be long until you'll feel that strong little fist confidently grasping your finger (or tightly clenching your hair)!
* A few weeks ago, your baby would move her eyes toward light. Now she turns towards light outside the uterus.
* " As the uterine wall stretches and thins allowing more light to permeate, he develops definite daily activity cycles. You will want to be sure to establish good patterns yourself at this time, thus encouraging them in your child. Ever heard of a baby getting her days/nights mixed up? Now's the time to try to avoid that!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

week 36

ONly four weeks to go.
Very scary.
I have started to swell up this week. Especially this weekend couldn't wear shoes after a while also really really waddle npw.
I have to see the doctor on Wednesday but if the swelling gets as bad as yesterday I will go up earlier as its one od the bad signs of pre eclampsia which is something I could get as my blood pressure is still high.

Week Thirty-Six
# Your baby is almost ready and most likely, so are you! The only organ still to mature is the lungs. While certainly you are both growing anxious to meet, remember that each day (up to 42 weeks), that your little one stays within your womb will multiply his chances to breathe on her own.
# If she hasn't already, this week your baby may drop into the birth canal. While breathing for mom becomes easier, walking may be the exact opposite! If she's not your first baby, this "lightening" may not occur until right before labor.
# Fat is dimpling your baby's elbows and knees, and forming creases in the neck and wrists.
# her skin is growing smooth and, shall we say it, "baby" soft.
# her gums are very rigid. It won't be many months before you'll see her teeth.
# She has a fully developed pair of kidneys and her liver has begun processing some waste products.
# Your child's average size is now 18.66 inches (47.4cm) and 5.78 pounds (2622 g). Between now and birth she will gain about an ounce a day!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Week 35

Week Thirty-Five

* The average baby weighs almost five and a half pounds now.
* Most babies born now will survive and without many long-term problems.
* Fat accumulations plumps up the arms and legs this week. These layers of fat will help her regulate her body temperature. They also provide those cute little dimples on elbows and knees!
* Her hearing is fully developed, so be sure to talk to your daughter. Do you find yourself speaking in a high-pitched tone? That's okay since some studies show babies respond better to higher pitches.
* It's getting crowded! Your baby is now taking up most of the uterus and you may even feel like your chest has run out of room! Soon enough though, baby will move down and you'll be able to breathe easily again (just not walk so easily! Ha!).
* Your baby is 18.2 inches (46.2cm) long and weighs 5.3 pounds (2383gm).
* The testes have completed their descent in males.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ultrasound today

Saw Melody today.
She now weighs 3.4 kg! Thats 7lb 5oz!
If I go to term she will weigh 4.6 kgs! thats 10lb 2 oz! my biggest baby yet.
She was also presenting beech.
But then she moved again.
She is sitting really high still at the moment. Very different from the boys who both dropped early.
She is healthy everything was in the right places and she was even pracising her breathing all good signs.
The doctor did say that if I don't go early I may have to be induced as baby may get too big!
Today was also our last birth class we learnt all about how to care for baby.
The boys had some fun learning to wrap baby. Youngest son even held baby for a long time.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

34 weeks

No long now only six weeks to go.
Melody likes to kick around still which is great.
No sleeping all that well with the acid reflux and still feeling the effects of the flu.
Tried not to take too much still worried about passing chemicals into her system.
Last week they found protein in my urine and sugar a well so they took more blood which came back negative.
Have to go to the hospital this week for my 34 week anti d shot.
Did some research this week and found that A- people are only 7% of the australian population. Where as 0+ are 40% so I already have one common blood group child and one uncommon can't wait to see what I get this time!
I also have another ultrasound this week to check size.

Week Thirty-Four

* Your baby acts completely like a newborn, with her eyes opened when awake and closed when sleeping. You may also find her settling into more of a routine for sleeping & awake times.
* She has learned to blink. She can also see more clearly when there is a bright light on your stomach and probably has the outline of all your organs memorized!
* Antibodies from your blood are being tranferred to her. These immunities continue to build until birth. Then breastmilk will add even more protection against disease.
* Your baby may have already turned to a head-down position in preparation for birth. If she is your first baby, she may be settling into the pelvis with her head pressing against your cervix.
* Fingernails have reached the end of the fingertips now. She may scratch her face even before she is born!
* Your little one's length is 17.7 inches (45cm) and weight is 4.7 pounds (2146 g).